The majority of burglars are opportunist and would much rather target a home or business that is not protected with a burglar alarm system. Government statistics also show that most burglary attempts on homes wth a fitted burglar alarm are unsuccessful.
Unfortunately we no longer live in an era when we can leave our doors unlocked, instead we have to lock up and rely on security systems to protect our family, property and belongings.
We know that buying a security system for your home or business is not the most exciting purchase you’ll ever make but they’re worth every penny to protect the things you care about and give you peace of mind. The systems can be set up to have zones so you can even have the downstairs alarm armed whilst you sleep peacefully upstairs.
The majority of us own expensive items such as a TV, laptop, sound system, mobile phone, jewellery or all of the above. On top of that we may also own priceless and irreplaceable things. The amount if times we hear about sentimental items being stolen and the heartbreak it beings.
It isn’t just the loss of physical items we have to deal with, anyone who has been burgled will understand the unsettling feeling it leaves you with and the disruption it causes. Over half of burglary victims say that they have experienced difficulty sleeping after they were burgled. Other common responses from a Survey carried ou by Victim Support showed 35% of victims were showing signs of depression or anxiety.
A well maintained high quality burglar alarm will last you a good number of years. We sometimes find that our clients are surprised when we tell them that we can no longer repair a system and need to replace it.
Like everything your intruder alarm will need replacing one day. We tell our clients that we expect a well maintained wired system should last 20 years and a wire free one will last about 10 years.
Wireless alarm systems have a shorter lifespan because wireless technology moves so quickly that parts become obsolete faster. Stringent security standards also affect the lifespan of your security system as manufacturers may make parts obsolete as standards change.
ASH Security offer a number of options to suit all budgets so if you’re looking for a new monitoring and maintenance company or are looking to install or replace a security system get in touch on 01442 872586for a free security survey.