fingerprint scanner

ASH Security now working in Association with ievo to bring you intelligent Biometric Security Solutions

ASH Security are pleased to announce that we are working in association with ievo to bring clients the latest innovative and intelligent biometric solutions.

Biometric technology has, for many years become the foundation point of many companies and projects simply because of the unparelled security it provides. But for quite some time, people have become so accustomed to their standard system that they never think of upgrading their card, fob or proximity readers. These security appliances do of course have their advantages; from cost effectiveness to how easy they are to use. In conjuntion though they can be used with Biometrics, meaning that if you want to upgrade to a fingerprint recognition system you do not need to replace your existing card or fob reader, this is made possible by the new ievo product range.

ASH Security can formally now offer you ievo products which surpass any other access control system available on the market today. Here’s why ….

  • In their innovative technology, ievo readers use a unique finger print scanner called Multispectural Imaging. This is a far superior biometric sensor than the substandard methods
  • In their reliability, this multispectural approach allows the ievo readers to scan your finger print through levels of various substances on your skin such as; dirt, oil, grease, cream, cosmetics and moisture. This makes the ievo products suitable for all environments.
  • ievo products are simply integrated with your existing access control system. This will efficiently save you time and money in the future – no more lost cards, fobs, administration costs etc.
  • Intuitive Time & Attendance
  • Reliable Date Protection & Capture – when the uders finger prints are registered on an ievo system, the actual image is not stored, the image is transformed into a fingerprint template. This process cannot be reengineered to produce an image of a fingerprint. Thus not only protecting your business and premises but also the users.

ievo’s products are suitable for use in all situation and markets including Construction, Health, Education, Commercial, Property, Transport, High Security.

For further information on how ASH Security can assist you with your Security Requirements call 01442 531031 or email now!

Domestic Security

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Commercial Security

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Public Sector Security

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